Great deals for best services: Let us keep your special dietary during the tour
Islam: Muslims eat halal (lawful) foods, which include fruit, vegetables and eggs. Any meat and meat products they consume must be from a halal slaughtered animal. Milk and dairy foods are halal, cheese may be halal depending on ingredients. Haram (prohibited) foods include pork, crustaceans, blood, non-halal animal-derived additives such as gelatin or suet, alcohol and any foods containing alcohol as an ingredient.
Hinduism: Meat and eggs are not consumed because they represent life, nor are chicken and pigs, because these animals are considered scavengers. The majority of Hindus are vegetarians, but some eat fish and others may consume dairy foods.
Buddhism: Persons from Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Tibet, China, Japan, and Thailand, commonly practice Buddhism. Some Buddhists abstain from eating meat and fish, but it is not forbidden.
Judaism: Jewish dietary laws are biblical ordinances that include rules regarding food, chiefly about the selection, slaughter, and preparation of meat. Kosher food products, which are ritually prepared and approved for consumption, are designated with the appropriate mark such as K or U. Many Jewish people do not consume any animals that do not have cloven hooves and do not chew their cud. Hence, most Jewish people do not eat pork and pork products. Also, any seafood that does not have fins and scales is forbidden.
Understanding the fact, Vietnam Scenery Travel Agency always seriously focuses on choosing dishes which are not only suitable with the tourists’ religion but also make the tourists feel Vietnamese authentic culinary elite. That is a reason why we believe that it is good practice to ask the tourists about dietary requirements before any tours.
Vietnam Scenery Travel Agency will be here to meet your all needs.